The aim of this policy is to promote good practice and enable the company to identify and protect vulnerable adults with regards to any business the company may carry out.
The aim of this policy to also to encourage the business to support the needs of the weak and vulnerable to ensure they have access to our services.
Our company has an obligation to:
Identify consumers who may be vulnerable
Pro-actively suggest solutions that may help these customers make informed choices
Take steps to make sure that vulnerable consumers understand key documents such as sales contracts and quotations.
A consumer may be vulnerable for any reason that makes it more difficult to fully understand the information they need in order to make an informed decision about our company’s products and services.
So, consumers may be vulnerable as a consequence of mental or physical infirmity, age, learning difficulties, illiteracy or if their first language is not English.
For example:
A partially-sighted customer may have difficulty reading key documents. Our company should offer these documents in a format which is easier to read.
A very elderly customer or one whose first language is not English might find it difficult to take in all the key information they need to. Our company should suggest that they should seek the involvement of a trusted friend or relative when dealing with our company’s correspondence or representatives
Sales visit should be re-scheduled if the sales staff discover that the vulnerable customers are on their own at the time of the visit.
This procedure must be followed by all Sales Representatives, Canvassers, Managers and all other staff in contact with customers to ensure the protection of vulnerable adults.
All canvassers have a responsibility to check whether a consumer is vulnerable in any way whether contact is over the phone or at the consumer’s premises. A consumer maybe vulnerable as a consequence of:
Where a canvasser suspects that a consumer may be vulnerable for any of the above reasons then they must suggest that the consumer arranges for a trusted friend or relative to be present at the sales appointment.
The Sales Representative must be informed that the consumer may be vulnerable and that a request for someone else to be present has been suggested.
When the Sales Representative visits any consumer, they must consider whether the customer is vulnerable for any of the reasons detailed within this policy.
Where the Sales Representative believes that the consumer is vulnerable, they must ensure that a trusted friend or relative is present at the appointment and that they are able to advise the consumer. Others present at any sales appointment is to be captured on the sales visit forms and recorded centrally.
Where a Sales Representative finds that a vulnerable consumer is alone at the time of the appointment this must be re-arranged for a time when someone else will be able to attend. They should inform the sales office.
Where a consumer is vulnerable the Sales Representative must take extra care to ensure that the consumer fully understands all the information including the key documents such as the contract and Quote form – for example large print forms for partially sighted consumers. This will also be included in the post-sales checklist to ensure the customer is aware of its availability.